
Meet The Blacks 2: The House Next Door follows the story of author Carl Black as he moves his family back to his childhood home in Chicago, seeking peace and quiet. However, his quest takes an unexpected turn when he encounters the eccentric new homeowner next door. Nottingham was tasked with creating a mailer campaign that effectively communicated the film's plot while engaging influencers and encouraging social posts.


Nottingham's scope for the Meet The Blacks 2 campaign centered around creating a custom and cool mailer that aligned with the film's plot. Our agency focused on selecting practical household items and branded elements to include in the influencer kits. This involved strategizing the most effective items for the mailers, identifying influencers aligned with the film's target audience, and designing the perfect mailer to encourage earned social posts.


In line with The House Next Door theme, Nottingham's influencer kits featured a variety of practical household items along with branded elements to enhance the experience. Kits included a branded backpack, hand-painted sneakers, a Ring security doorbell camera, a branded t-shirt, a custom welcome mat featuring the influencer's name, branded shot glasses, a premium bottle of whiskey, and a QR code for streaming the movie.

Standout recipients of the influencer kits included Jeezy, Blame It On Kway, DJ Envy, Gilbert Arenas, Eric Bellinger, Remy Ma, Cynthia Bailey and more. Influencers took to Instagram stories and in-feed posts to share their kits, generating over 60 million social and media impressions. The combination of practical items and branded elements not only resonated with the influencers but also effectively communicated the plot and tone of Meet The Blacks 2, contributing to the campaign's success in generating buzz and anticipation for the film.


Nottingham's mailer campaign for Meet The Blacks 2: The House Next Door achieved significant success in engaging influencers and amplifying the film's promotion. The influencer kits generated over 60 million social and media impressions, driving heightened awareness and anticipation for the movie among the target audience. The campaign's strategic selection of items and thoughtful design effectively communicated the plot and tone of the film, contributing to increased viewership and positive reception upon release. Overall, our campaign demonstrated the agency's ability to create impactful marketing initiatives that resonate with target audiences and drive results for our clients.

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