
Tyler Perry's Sistas is a compelling television series written, directed, and executive produced by Tyler Perry, chronicling the lives of single Black women as they navigate the complexities of modern life. BET aimed to deepen its connection with viewers in key markets by transcending traditional advertising methods and creating distinctive experiences that resonated with the show's fans. Nottingham's collaboration with BET across seasons 3 to 6 exemplifies a dynamic approach to marketing and audience engagement, utilizing innovative strategies to maintain and elevate the show's appeal.


Nottingham faced the challenge of forging a deeper connection between Sistas and its audience in must-win markets. The agency needed to devise strategies that went beyond conventional advertising, capturing the attention of viewers and fostering a sense of engagement and loyalty. Additionally, the team had to sustain audience interest across multiple seasons, ensuring continued viewership and enthusiasm for the show.


To address these challenges, Nottingham implemented a multi-faceted approach to marketing and audience engagement, leveraging various platforms and strategies to create immersive experiences and foster meaningful connections with viewers. Our agency orchestrated a series of experiential consumer events across the country, transforming venues with show-themed vinyl wraps and offering complimentary beauty services to attendees, creating a personal connection with both the show and BET. Nottingham secured radio endorsements from major on-air personalities in key cities, extending the campaign's reach and resonance through broadcast and social media platforms. Our agency forged partnerships with key Instagram influencers to amplify the campaign's message, generating posts and stories on high-profile accounts and sparking significant online engagement. Nottingham introduced virtual watch parties hosted by celebrities and influencers, facilitating real-time discussions and interactions among fans, generating over 80 million media and social impressions. Utilizing over 60 celebrities and influencers, talent included Fantasia, City Girls, Vivica A. Fox, Loni Love, Dream Doll, Saucy Santana & more. For Season 6, we created a digital talk series featuring relatable figures discussing topics relevant to the show's themes, bridging the gap between fictional characters and real-life experiences. The digital talk series featured Sistas’ stars KJ Smith and Crystal Renee along with Ari Fletcher & Grammy award winning singer Monica. To connect with local market territories, our agency orchestrated comprehensive nation-wide community-driven experiential activations, bringing fans together for in-person events and offering complimentary salon services to foster a tangible bond between the show and its audience.


Our agency’s innovative approach to marketing and audience engagement for Sistas yielded remarkable results across multiple seasons. Nottingham’s experiential events, strategic partnerships, and digital initiatives successfully deepened the show's connection with viewers, sustaining interest and enthusiasm over time. The campaign's success not only elevated the show's appeal but also solidified Nottingham's reputation as a leader in dynamic and impactful marketing strategies.

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