
"The Blackening" is a gripping horror film that follows the harrowing journey of seven friends trapped in a cabin with a killer on the loose. Lionsgate sought to generate buzz around the film by hosting the ultimate premiere party in New York City. Nottingham was tasked with bringing this event to life, aiming to create an unforgettable experience that resonated with Black culture while offering luxury and extravagance to all attendees.


Nottingham faced the challenge of producing a premiere party that not only captured the essence of "The Blackening" but also spoke authentically to Black culture. Our agency had to find the perfect venue and transform it into a space that offered a luxury, over-the-top experience for each guest. Additionally, Nottingham needed to implement strategies for capturing data and photos from attendees to generate social buzz and content for the film's promotion.


To meet these challenges, Nottingham embarked on a comprehensive strategy that encompassed meticulous planning and execution. Our agency scouted for the ideal venue that could be transformed into an immersive experience reflective of the film's themes. Every detail, from decor to entertainment, was carefully curated to provide guests with a luxurious and unforgettable evening.

Nottingham implemented innovative data collection methods, including a fully customized professional video booth and various photo activations strategically placed throughout the venue. These activations not only engaged attendees but also captured valuable consumer data and content for social media promotion.

Our post-reception activation yielded an impressive lineup of guests, including the film's entire cast, actress Keke Palmer, stars from Power Book: Ghost, and other prominent figures, actors, influencers and tastemakers. The highlight of the evening was surprise performances from multi-platinum selling artists Fabolous and rap superstar Remy Ma, adding an extra layer of excitement and entertainment to the event.


The Blackening Premiere Party proved to be a resounding success, exceeding Lionsgate's expectations. The event not only celebrated the release of the film but also served as a testament to Nottingham's ability to create immersive and culturally resonant experiences. Attendees shared their experiences and memories on social media platforms, amplifying the film's visibility and generating buzz among audiences.

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